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How are swallowing problems managed ?

Individuals with swallowing issues also known as Dysphagia, are potentially at risk of developing breathing issues.  Nutrition and hydration status can also be compromised.  As such, at Leap Forward Therapy Services, we are able to...


  • Evaluate swallowing status via comprehensive food and drink assessments.

  • Modify food and drinks for safer swallowing, Recommendations are based according to the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative.

  • Monitor swallowing needs with other specialists for further assessment and mangaement

  • Recommend adaptive equipment for safe and efficient feeding or self-feeding.

  • Recommend safe feeding positions and compensation strategies for efficient feeding to reduce chances of respiratory infections.

  • Prescribe exercises to strengthen musculature needed for chewing and swallowing.

  • Provision of oral  health care strategies to prevent swallowing problems and decreasing the chances of respiratory infections.

  • Recommend safe pleasure feeding techniques and options, when total oral feeding is not an option.

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